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Did you know Innovative-IDM employees are eligible to take up to 16 hours per calendar year to volunteer at a 501c3 charitable organization? That’s part of IIDM’s MVP Program (Making Values Our Priority) — time off from work for time serving others. IIDM’s Steve Falcone, Gina Arredondo and Anabel Simental sure did and they just...

Can an AC controls system save you money vs. a DC controls system? Here is an interesting slide from our recent webinar, “DC to AC Drive Retrofits.” Over the expected life of a DC motor, you can expect to spend nearly $600,000 in repairs, maintenance and field service costs. This cost includes the associated downtime...

Why do we celebrate Victoria Day with a brisket cookoff? Nobody is really sure, but our third annual VDay event drew entries from employees and Dallas branch associates. Our friends from SMC Pneumatics and Yaskawa Drives were again in attendance. This is an outstanding event sponsored by the Dallas Culture Improvement Agency. Associate sponsors included...