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Automation NOW!

We’ve been at our Lewisville, Texas, location (which was built from the ground up) since July 1. Looks like most of the folks are getting the hang of working here. Building signs and address numbers are to be installed today. We also have stocking locations in Chicago, Houston, Memphis and Tulsa. Plus we serve the...

This year’s Chili Cook-Off marked the 8th year of celebrating Independence Day with our Chilicheesemustardoniondogmania event. The Dallas CIA group sponsored the annual event, which was another success. Eight contestants entered and the reigning champ hopeful at taking first place of favorite chili. What kind of chili recipes were in the running? There were spicy,...

It was a beautiful day in the summer of 2006 when our panel shop completed a panel that needed to be hand delivered to a customer that same day. We needed a truck so Tim Mueller, one of IIDM’s owners, volunteered his bright red F150. The truck was in pristine condition. Tim had to attend...