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Automation NOW!

This customer in the Austin area had some problems. Innovative-IDM was there to help. It takes a lot to receive such unsolicited accolades, yet we seem to get them frequently. Think you ought to check out what everyone is talking about? This email came to our VP of Sales, Chad Kauffman, from the operations manager...

Working a third shift is already hard enough. But maintaining machinery makes that graveyard shift even more difficult. . Innovative-IDM operates “On Call” program for our Customer Service, Board Repair and Tech Support that is FREE OF EXTRA CHARGES to our customers and has gained praise since its beginnings. I have been privileged enough to...

For every 10 guys who work at Innovative-IDM, we thank God everyday there are one of these to help keep them civilized. Here’s our Dallas ladies crew enjoying lunch today, representing accounting, customer service, operations, human resources and marketing. One question: Where are the dudes?