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Our Houston Branch’s 2018 Holiday Party was one for the history books. The crew on Hollister is known to have its fair-share of party animals. So what do you do with party animals? You take them to the Zoo during the annual Houston Zoo Lights Celebration.

The guest list included:

Julian, a Madagascar Hognose Snake; Pigwidgeon, an Eastern Screech Owl; Ernie, a Porcupine; Chanticleer, a Rooster; and some I-IDM Party Animals.

Below are a few words from our sponsors:

“The Houston CIA organized an incredible Holiday Party. It was a ton of fun seeing the animals at the party, and the creatures the zoo keepers brought in as well. and I’m not just talking about the guests. From the food to the friends, from the prizes to the ambiance, it was a great time.” –  Gene Gray

“Houston’s CIA set a high bar for next year. Thanks for all your efforts to make the party a memorable time. Loved getting the chance to spend time with the Houston family.” – Todd Mueller

“Thanks for all the planning and effort that went in to putting on such a fun and memorable holiday party. It was nice to see the Houston family and enjoy spending time together. I can’t wait for next year’s event to see what creative and fun ideas you and your team come up with next.”- Adam Ring


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